St Valentine's day!

Hello kids!

As you all know, today is St Valentine's day. We celebrate St Valentine's day by giving flowers, candies and cards to those we love. Here you have some poems to show your friends how much you love them.

Be my Valentine.
You're special
I'm glad we are friends.
Be my valentine.

I love

I love coffee,
I love tea,
I love you,
Do you love me?


Valentines, valentines,
Pink, red and blue,
I've made a pretty one
Just for you!

Kevin and Katie.

Kevin and Katie up in a tree,
First comes love,
then come marriage,
then comes Baby in a baby carriage!

Shidamarink a Dink.

Skidamarink a dink a dink,
Skidamarink a doo,
I love you.
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.
Oh, Skidamarink a dink, a dink,
Skidamarink a doo,
I love you.

I like you.

Valentine, I like you;
I’m glad that you’re my friend;
We have lots of fun together,
We are a perfect blend!

Will you be my Valentine?
I’m thinking of you on Valentine’s Day;
You are nice, so I want to say:
Give me a clue; give me a sign;
Will you be my Valentine?

Sunshine Valentine
I’ll be very happy
If you’ll be my Valentine;
You’ll fill my heart with joy,
And my day with bright sunshine!

School Valentine
Valentine I see you
A lot when we’re at school,
And every time I see you
I think you’re very cool.
I’d like to know you better,
And so this poem I send,
Hoping that you’ll soon be
My special Valentine friend.

Here you have a video that will help you to make an easy craft for this special day.

If it's difficult for you, ask your parents for help. You can have fun together!

(Si te resulta difícil, pide a tus padres que te ayuden. ¡Podréis divertirse haciéndolo juntos!)

6 comentarios:

J.M. said...

Good job Miss!!!

Anonymous said...

Hola teacher, soy edu (el del año pasado =P)solo te escribia para ver como estabas... TODOS los del año pasado te echamos mucho de menos(este año tengo la peor seño de ingles de toda mi vida ¬¬
P:D: si responde please envie el correo al edui1212arrova(no me acuerdo como se pone=))

Anonymous said...

hay teacher soy edu...
¿podria poner esta cancion:Solamente tu de pablo Alboran

Anonymous said...

solo para ke lo sepa (soy edu) todas mis respuestas se las enviare a su direccion de correo electronico
ADIOSSS :):):):)

Anonymous said...

kreo ke nos veremos muy pronto...(solo creo) soy eduardo
puede ke nos veamos porque tengo ke ir alli pa lo de mi portatil ke se le a io el disco duro(no se de donde viene elnombre de "ultraportatil" ke le pusieron >:/

Anonymous said...

seño la que te ha dicho gracias soy yo miriam que se me ha olvidado poner el nombre.
by miriam 5e